I was angry because I was hurt. The answer came dramatically and in two directions. I received the answer one and then immediately another way. It was like someone kicked me on one side and slapped me from another. I felt hurt and humiliated and a shame to share with anyone what was going on. (I opened up to my close friend eventually.)
Because of the wisdom God has developed in me, I knew and trusted that God had greater. Had I not accepted the answer I knew I would have faced several consequences.
One. The physical being in me wanted to go and change things. But if I had went back and made things stay the same, I would be missing out on the blessing God is preparing for me. Move the old out for the new. Also, what if I would have change it back? My feelings would have probably been hurt even worse. Do we want to be hurt by God or by our own doings? Example. Our parents spanked us when we did something wrong. Now our feelings were hurt and we cried because the spanking hurt. But of course, our parents spank us for discipline, out of love, and learning/training. What if they didn't spank us though?
Another point is that if we try to go back or change things back, we've put our trust in our own selves and not Him. One word: FAILURE! We have put our selves before Him. (Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me.)
I also thought about how the angriness transformed into motivating me to stay focus on the vision God has for me. If I had stayed in that position I truly believed I would have lost vision or gotten comfortable with my current living. If we pray to God to get us closer to our vision, He keeps us uncomfortable including changing our now-position.
There are other consequences. However, these two are what stood out to me the most. I'm sure those who mature or maturing in the faith can see more consequences. But I encourage those to trust God and His plans, even when it hurts or you don't understand. Do not act out on feelings but stand still until you hear Him give you directions.
Be encouraged!