So I was straightening my desk and had mail, paperwork, and etc. stacked everywhere but it was clearly unorganized. I cannot focus it get things done effectively if things are messy and unorganized. I have to have order in everything I do and organized. And so I decided I wanted to go buy some stackable trays. I look at my bank account to see if I had money to spare and saw that I didn't. Lol. I looked up Office Depot to have an idea of the prices.
And I was reassured I didn't need to buy these write away, (says the unemployed person.) So I said to myself, "Man, I'll make me some stack trays!" I grab some Avon boxes from my mother and grab other things around the house to help me construct.
Here I have push pins, scissor, tape measure, paperclips, tape, and of course, boxes.
The push pins and tape is to keep the shelves sturdy and strong. Although paper items can only be used for light weight purposes.

Only one side the shelves had a flap. I took a paperclip and stuck it through the flaps in a U shape and twisted the ends together. I wish both sides of the shelves had flaps; the paperclip was very sturdy!

And here's the finish product in use! I thought about putting stickers or spray painting the outside of it but I had friend who came up with an even better idea. She suggested getting the wall paper on it! When I do, I will update the blog on this!
I am truly inspired. :)